Communicating with Code: Tests That Don't Suck

I'm Chris


Stuff I Do

  • TDD
  • Domain Modeling
  • Library Development
    • JS Refactorings
    • Signet
    • DataMother
    • QuickSpec

Why Do We Say We Test?

  • To verify correct behavior
  • To capture information about bugs
  • To meet code coverage
  • We were told to

Better Reasons To Test

  • Communication
  • Communication
  • Communication

Tests Get No Respect

Let's Test Some Code!

						it('should return widgets', function () {
							const result = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets("WidgeCo", {
									widgetMeta: {
										gearTeethCount: 91,
										handles: 3
									presets: ['foo', 5, 12.3]
								}, 17);

							assert.equal(typeof result, object, 'Oh noes!');

We Exercised The Code, But...

  • Description text should declare intent
  • Named variables expose meaning better
  • Complex objects can be extracted away
  • Assertions should ensure full proper behavior

Tests That Communicate

  • Inform other developers of original intent
  • Exemplify API use
  • Deepen understanding of code contracts
  • Expose criteria for correct behavior

Writing Great Code Is Like Writing A Great Story

It Never Happens In A Single Pass

Where Do We Start?

Sometimes choosing the right place to start is the hardest thing you'll do all day

Here's What I'd Do

  1. Extract variables
  2. Define and test with output type
  3. Build factory for setup data
  4. Update description
  5. Introduce golden master test for completeness

Why Go That Way?

  1. Extracting variables is fast and easy
  2. Good types are descriptive
  3. Data factories remove noise
  4. Declarative code leads us to better descriptions
  5. Golden master tests are great, but harder to set up

Extract Variable

Part of This Healthy Refactoring

(P.S. You probably have a tool that will do this for you!)

						it('should return widgets', function () {
							const companyName = "WidgeCo";
							const widgetCount = 17;
							const widgetSpec = {
								widgetMeta: {
									gearTeethCount: 91,
									handles: 3
								presets: ['foo', 5, 12.3]

							const widgets = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets(companyName, widgetSpec, widgetCount);

							assert.equal(typeof widgets, object, 'Oh noes!');

Happy Variable Names, Everywhere!

Domain Modeling For The Fearless

Signet Types Allow for Rich Verification

Let's Model a Widget

						const signet = require('signet')();

						signet.defineDuckType('widget', {
							companyName: 'string',
							handles: 'array<string>',
							teethCount: 'int',
							startupDisplay: 'string',
							logMaxLength: 'int',
							humFrequencyTolerance: 'number'

						module.exports = signet;

... And Build a Utility Function

						function assertByType(type, value, errorMessage) {
							const isCorrectType = signet.isTypeOf(type);
							assert(isCorrectType(value), errorMessage);

Then Our Test Becomes...

						it('should return widgets', function () {
							const companyName = "WidgeCo";
							const widgetCount = 17;
							const widgetSpec = {
								// Truncated for brevity
							const widgets = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets(companyName, widgetSpec, widgetCount);
							assertByType('array<widget>', widgets, 'We didn\'t get a widget array!');

Factories For Fun and Profit

Declarative Test Data with DataMother

Moving Our Spec to DataMother

						function widgetSpecFactory () {
							return {
								widgetMeta: {
									gearTeethCount: 91,
									handles: 3
								presets: ['foo', 5, 12.3]

						dataMother.register('widgetSpec', widgetSpecFactory);

Then, Simply Declare What We Need

						it('should return widgets', function () {
							const companyName = "WidgeCo";
							const widgetCount = 17;
							const widgetSpec = dataMother.buildData('widgetSpec');
							const widgets = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets(companyName, widgetSpec, widgetCount);
							assertByType('array<widget>', widgets, 'We didn\'t get a widget array!');


A Well-Described Test

Choice Words Make All The Difference

Words and Code Together In Harmony

						it('should build a widget array using a company, widget spec and count', function () {
							const companyName = "WidgeCo";
							const widgetCount = 17;
							const widgetSpec = dataMother.buildData('widgetSpec');
							const widgets = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets(companyName, widgetSpec, widgetCount);
							assertByType('array<widget>', widgets, 'We didn\'t get a widget array!');

Bonus Round: Verifying Data For Great Justice

Using Approvals To Ensure Data Correctness

The Setup

						const approvalsLocation = './test/approvals';
						const approvalsConfigFactory = require('approvals-config-factory');
						const approvalsConfig = approvalsConfigFactory.buildApprovalsConfig({ 
							reporter: 'kdiff3'
						module.exports = require('approvals')

The Verification

						it('should build a widget array using a company, widget spec and count', function () {
							const companyName = "WidgeCo";
							const widgetCount = 17;
							const widgetSpec = dataMother.buildData('widgetSpec');
							const widgets = widgetFactory
								.buildWidgets(companyName, widgetSpec, widgetCount);
							assertByType('array<widget>', widgets, 'We didn\'t get a widget array!');



The Takeaway

  • Tests should do more than exercise code
  • All good tests should facilitate communication
  • Documentation + tests is doubling your effort
  • The right tools can ease testing turmoil

Libraries I Used

Thank you!