Commenting Code: Why, Not How

If you have written any amount of code in any language you are likely aware of code comments or remarks and how they work. This isn’t really what I’m interested in. I came across a discussion about an open source project which had a requirement that all code must be left completely uncommented. People were surprised and alarmed as to why this project would require all code to be uncommented, and I tend to agree. This post is to address comment content. Hopefully, you will share my opinion that comments are important by the end of this.

Node and Blended Tech Stacks

The longer people write single page applications, the more of them there are. The notion of a SPA harkens back to the concept of client server architecture, invented some time in the 1960’s or 1970’s. Now we build SPAs with services constructed with Java, C#, Scala and Node. Some of the stacks we use have names like MEAN, and others are a hand-selected composite of disparate technologies with no name.

Bottlenecks and Micro-Performance

After my last blog, I got a response regarding functional programming and performance. This is actually a common theme when people talk about functional programming versus imperative programming. Before we move into the actual performance discussion, I will openly admit, there are often times when functional programming is slower, performance-wise, than imperative programming. I have never claimed otherwise, nor will I begin doing so today.

Refactoring from Imperative to Functional

I was talking with a coworker one day pretty recently and I had a pretty sizeable revelation, people think I write code the way I do from the get-go. It’s actually really hard to look at the final output in a code block and understand how someone might have arrived at that solution. Even when the code is completely obvious, it might not have been obvious how the original problem was solved.

REST Verbs and HTTP

If your journey to programming was anything like mine, you started by looking at HTML forms to understand data transfer across HTTP. There is a lot of talk about REST and what it means on the web. I have heard people talk about the formatting of URLs and the return behavior of documents. I have even heard people discuss REST and its relation to micro-services or hypermedia API behaviors.

URLs for Web Developers

At this point it seems like everyone knows about URLs. People can rattle off and, but knowing domain names is not the same as really understanding URLs. URLs, AKA Uniform Resource Locators, actually adhere to a set of standards and behaviors which apply to the way your application interacts with the browser and services which provide data and resources.

3 Rules to Improve Your App State Management

As SPAs become more common for web application development, the concept of state is moving almost completely out of the realm of servers and services and into the browser, and rightly so. Ideally services should only maintain state as persistent storage like databases, document stores and file systems. Application state like where the user is and what they are interacting with should be maintained as close to the user as we can keep it.

Data, Types, Objects and Creating A New Generic Type

Javascript comes with a variety of types, and with ES 2015 and beyond, we are seeing new types emerge like sets and symbols. The primitive data types come with a standard set of comparison rules and default behaviors which make them especially nice to work with, however, complex data like arrays and objects are not so friendly. Objects have no means for comparison (unsurprising) and arrays have no simple, idiomatic way to distinguish them from objects. Even null, which is referred to as a primitive data type, can lie to us. See the example below.

Leveling Up With Reduce

It was pointed out to me the other day that I suffer from the curse of knowledge. What this basically means is, I know something so I don’t understand what it means to NOT know that thing. This can happen in any aspect of life and it’s common for people, especially software developers, to experience this. Many of us have been working with computers in some way or another for most or all of our lives. This means, when we talk to people who haven’t shared our experiences, we don’t understand their position, i.e. we talk and they don’t have any clue what we are saying.

Callback Streams With Function Decoration

Regardless of whether you prefer raw callbacks or promises, there comes a time where asynchronous behavior pops up in your application. It’s an artifact of working on the web and working with Javascript. This means that, although a function was originally written to solve a particular problem, eventually that function may need to be extended. If we follow the open/closed principle, we should not modify the original function since it almost certainly still solves the original problem for which it was designed. What to do…